Words Free as Confetti

vpinCome, words, come in your every color.

I’ll toss you in storm or breeze.

I’ll say, say, say, you,

taste you sweet plump plums,

bitter as old lemons.

I’ll sniff you, words, warm

as almonds or tart as apple-red.

feel you green

and soft as new grass,

lightwhite as dandelion plumes,

or thorngray as cactus,

heavy as black cement,

cold as blue icicles,

warm as abuelita’s  yellowlap.

I’ll hear you, words, loud as searoar’s

purple crash, hushed

as gatitos curled in sleep,

as the last goldlullaby.

I’ll see you long and dark as tunnels,

bright as rainbows,

playful as chestnutwind.

I’ll watch you, words, rise and dance and spin.

I’ll say, say, say you

in English,

in Spanish

I’ll find you.

Hold you.

Toss you.

I’m free too.

I say yo soy libre,

I am free

free, free,

free as confetti.

~Pat Mora

Words swim in my imagination all day lately.  Lush and foggy and green are my dreams.  I can smell them like honeysuckle on a nature walk.  They drift in and out of my awareness.

I like my words tender and soulful (I like my photographs this way too).

I used to be a therapist.  (that’s a story for a different day) But, if there is one thing I learned from it, it was this.

Words can set you free.

Use them generously today.

Be kind with your words to one another.  And live life with palms up . . .  open to the world.

