Minks Family

 “She wears a demeanor made of bright pretty things. . . “

Emilee is is one of the kindest people I have ever known.  She’s sneaky.  Shy at first.  A little quiet.  But when you get to know her. . . so funny!  I have had some rolling on the floor, tears streaming, can’t breathe, laughing moments with Em.

“Halos made of Summer, Rhythms made of Spring”

And doesn’t she have the most beautiful kiddos?  Mary is a mystery.  Quiet and and observant.  She has the spirit of an old soul.  Ethan is the same age as my son and such a goofball.  They say the funniest things at 3.  I love how Jeff and Emilee nurture each other.  These happy images of their family make my heart sing.

“I’ve got crowns of words a woven, each one a song to sing”





So grateful, Emilee!

