Epple Family

I‘m going to try not to get too emotional here.

Holly and her family are some of the most kind and family centered people I’ve ever met.  Quiet, patient, kind, they feel like a unit when you’re around them, a team.  so when Holly let me know her newborn photos had the possibilities of being some of the only photos they get to take of their dear Ezra, I was crushed for them.  My son, was very ill as an infant so feelings rushed back to me, devastated for Holly and her family as she awaited results from testing.  So you can imagine my unabashed joy as I arrived and Holly shared the news that Ezra is in fact a healthy baby boy!  My relief for them brought me to tears as I held his toes and saw his gorgeous eyes for the first time.  Oh he is a beautiful ~ amazing ~ miracle of a child.  thank you for inviting me to document your joy, Holly.  Your three kiddos are all amazing.







